The Last Picture Before Lockdown

as restrictions begin to ease around the world, we asked our people to share their last photos before their own lockdown began, so we can remind ourselves of the joys to come

the last game of rugby

franceso grosso (far right)

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Celebrating Chinese New Year

Natkon Woraputthirunmas

Exhibitions in Thailand

a trip to disneyland paris cut short

pryanka pratt (on the right...)

RELX in the UK

a fundraising ride for the australian firefighters

brian thomas

Exhibitions in Australia

Fbi's last gig
before lockdown

david tempest (far left)

Scientific, Technical & Medical in the UK

a tour of the capitol building
in washington

Tracy Rhine

RELX in the US

the last time
i got on a plane

laure lagrange

RELX in the UK

The end of the C2E2 show in Chicago in late march
just after the wrestling...

lance fensterman (far left)

Exhibitions (ReedPop) in the US

out for a stroll with 'turpin'

jane baldwin

Risk & Business Analytics in the UK

a visit to the museum of natural history in washington
on the day before it closed

kimberly tate-nuwar

Risk & Business Analytics in the US

the only ones on the slopes
in bulgaria
5 days before lockdown

helen sheppard

RELX in the UK

a holiday to the grand canyon

linda clark

RELX in the US

Tracht & Country
the last show before lockdown in austria

oliver-john perry (behind the lens)

Exhibitions in Austria

a business trip
to amsterdam

emily archer

RELX in the UK

'mr kebab'
my last meal out

kat lisay

Legal (REPH) in the Philippines

pushing the limits
at the london olympic velodrome

david roberts (second from right)

RELX in the UK

park Avenue in nyc
on 10 march

paul abrahams

RELX in the UK

mallorca just before lockdown

audrey briere

Exhibitions in France

on the way home
after the last team dinner

Bruce Cottingim, Tami Fourman, Bill Snyder, Missy Cottongim & photo by pam rath

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ice skating at chinese new year in beijing

nancy chen

RELX in China

a trip to the
mercedes benz museum

james weekley

RELX in the UK



Risk & Business Analytics in the UK

the final day trip

mio flores

Legal (REPH) in the Philippines